Docs / Language Manual / Installation

You are currently looking at the v11.0 docs, which are still a work in progress. If you miss anything, you may find it in the older v10.0 docs here.



New Project

The fastest and easiest way to spin up a new ReScript project is with the create-rescript-app project generator. You can start it with any of the aforementioned package managers or npx.

npm create rescript-app
  • Follow the steps of the setup.

  • Trigger a ReScript build:

    npm run res:build

  • If you selected the "basic" template, simply run it with:

    node src/Demo.res.js

That compiles your ReScript into JavaScript, then uses Node.js to run said JavaScript. We recommend you use our unique workflow of keeping a tab open for the generated .res.js file, so that you can learn how ReScript transforms into JavaScript. Not many languages output clean JavaScript code you can inspect and learn from!

During development, instead of running npm run res:build each time to compile, use npm run res:dev to start a watcher that recompiles automatically after file changes.

Integrate Into an Existing JS Project

If you already have a JavaScript project into which you'd like to add ReScript you can do that in the following ways:

Quick Setup

In the root directory of your project, execute:

npm create rescript-app

create-rescript-app will tell you that a package.json file has been detected and ask you if it should install ReScript into your project. Just follow the steps accordingly.

Manual Setup

  • Install ReScript locally:

    npm install rescript

  • Create a ReScript build configuration file (called rescript.json) at the root:

    { "name": "your-project-name", "sources": [ { "dir": "src", // update this to wherever you're putting ReScript files "subdirs": true } ], "package-specs": [ { "module": "es6", "in-source": true } ], "suffix": ".res.js", "bs-dependencies": [] }

    See Build Configuration for more details on rescript.json.

  • Add convenience npm scripts to package.json:

    "scripts": { "res:build": "rescript", "res:dev": "rescript build -w" }

Since ReScript compiles to clean readable JS files, the rest of your existing toolchain (e.g. Babel and Webpack) should just work!

Helpful guides:

Integrate with a ReactJS Project

To start a rescript-react app, or to integrate ReScript into an existing ReactJS app, follow the instructions here.